Meet MS Warrior Sheri Paulson

Fighting MS in the World of Covid

written by Sheri Paulson

Foxy Sheri at Detroit International Half Marathon Relay, October 2018

Hello, my name is Sheri Paulson, and I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) at the age of 33. At the time, I was a young wife and mother. I had struggled for years to have my daughter Amanda and with my diagnosis I became determined to DIG DEEP, to fight and stay active and be present in the moment with her. Despite having MS, I became a marathon runner, cyclist and sprint triathlete. I wanted to live my life with NO REGRETS, to never look back and say I wish I had done something, but instead be glad that I had done it.

Throughout my years of living with MS, I have traveled across the country participating in events and sharing my story, while also raising funds and awareness for MS. In the process I was blessed to meet amazing people also living with MS who have become my MS family. This is how I became part of the Run A Myelin My Shoes (RAMMS) team. My biking and running distances are now shorter, but this team is so uplifting and empowering to be a part of, and you can join us no matter your physical ability.

RAMMS was my lifeline as my family and I lived through an episode of Covid in September 2020. Covid and MS share some similarities. The fear resulting from the diagnosis is overwhelming. Immune suppressing medication is the standard treatment, compromising the immune system and the body’s ability to protect itself. You become isolated from society. Others are not able to fully understand what you are going through.

In my case, my Covid experience was further compounded by losing my dear MS friend Scott Kaplan early in the pandemic. Then in the height of my own battle, I lost another dear MS friend Sergeant Eric Twisdale, who contracted Covid while working to protect others. So how does one work their way through this? How does anyone balance fighting MS at the same time as Covid? Or fighting through this new World of Covid period?

Scott Kaplan and Family
Eric Twisdale

My favorite movie is Shawshank Redemption, and a quote I love from that movie is “Get busy living, or get busy dying”. In memory of Scott and Eric, who lived their lives with NO REGRETS, in my head I have been hearing GET BUSY LIVING, SHERI! And in honor of Scott and Eric, I am dedicated to healing completely from Covid, lacing up my shoes and hitting the road on November 7, 2020 with RAMMS for their all virtual participant team event. I will be doing this as part of showing my great appreciation that my husband Alan, my daughter Amanda, my son-in-law Justin and myself will all be SURVIVORS of Covid!

We all can do our part by being as safe as we possibly can be, mitigating our risks, caring for others and enjoying these precious times with our loved ones and friends, even if we have to be creative.

Lacing up for a training walk with Jazzy